
Tefillot at Ma'ayanot are completely egalitarian; men and women participate equally. The tefillot are community led, members taking turns reading from the Torah, leading services, and delivering Divrei Torah. We pray from "Vaani T'fillati": Siddur Yisraeli.
We meet on Erev Shabbat 20 past ccandle lighting and on Shabbat morning at 9:00. We also meet on holidays, including Rosh HaShanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Purim, and Yom Ha’Atzmaut.

Ma'ayanot is truly blessed with many children who add to the joyous and lively atmosphere of the kehillah and tefillot. Children are encouraged to sit with the adults during tefillot and to take roles, such as opening and closing the ark and leading Ashrei and Shir HaKavod.
Every week there are Tefillat Yeladim (Children’s Services) for younger children. The children learn some of the prayers and their meanings and are encouraged to discuss them. There are also activities related to the Parshat HaShavua (weekly Torah portion).

During the year, Ma'ayanot is privileged to celebrate many life-cycle events with our members, including Bar/Bat-Mitzvah, Simhat Bat/Brit Milah, Shabbat Hatan v’Kallah (aufrauf), etc.
We invite members of the greater community to join us and celebrate their smachot with us. Members of the community are available to help with the preparations, including teaching how to read Torah and Haftorah and preparing a D’var Torah.